Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Holocaust - (The Yellow Star)

It's not the Petro Dollar. Israel dictates Foreign Policy

VA's Disability Claims Backlog Pushes 900,000

Senate Moves To Make War Powers Given To The POTUS After 9/11 Permanent

Gerald Celente - - May 8, 2013

Gerald Celente - Mike Romigh Show - May 7, 2013

Gerald Celente - FOX 40 Binghamton NY - May 3, 2013

Cop breaking the law

Sen Elizabeth Warren Introduces Bill That Allows Student Loans At Same R...

"Welcome To America" ALL Of YOUR Phone Calls Are NOW Being RECORDED!

I Confronted a Drone Pilot

Homemade 12 ga shotgun

Obama Continues America's NEVER Ending State Of Emergency! This Time Bec...

Zionism is Racism and racism is very very bad

Why Did the Germans Dislike the Jews

Adam Kokesh: 2nd Amendment Will Get The Ultimate Test

Wayne Madsen: Is Benghazi Testimony Obama's Watergate Moment?

Is "Our" Government Staring at Collapse? #n3

If you were waking up from a 10-year coma

Why were the flags switched on the House of Horrors?

Wall Street Deregulation Coming Soon!

The Consequences of Patriotism - Stefan Molyneux on Breaking The Set wit...