Thursday, March 31, 2011

GRITtv: The F Word: Bringing the Budget Protests to New York

Gerald Celente on RT America 30 March 2011

Anwar Al-Awlaki Dined With Military Personal At Pentagon Just Months After 9/11 (Fox News)

Webster Tarpley: US aiding terrorists and racists in Libya - RT 110330

Keiser Report: 17 million Americans on Food Stamps (E134)

A man claiming to be from 'the Census' (whatever that means) - 27th March

Ed Schultz Gets Pounded Into The Ground On Libya By Jeremy Scahill

Ron Paul "Lies Are Told To Get Us Into These Wars"

Gerald Celente First Great War of The 21st Century Has Begun - Alex Jones Tv

2011-3-27 Gerald Celente on Lew Rockwell

END WAR: Kucinich On Obama Doctrine Goes Beyond Constitution, War Powers, UN Mandate, NATO

Sunday, March 27, 2011

GE Pays ZERO Income Tax!

Nigel Farage: EU very very Dangerous People

Protests spread across Syria

Wild security intervention in Morocco against doctors and graduates 26/03/2011

Quantum Entanglement

International Pressure on Syria- Will it Work?

NWO - UK Begins to Starve \ Austerity Things To Come


Out in Force: Over 300,000 to march in London anti-cuts protest

Ron Paul Backs NH Nullificationists in Dover Speech, 3/26/2011


Daivd Icke - Coast to Coast AM - 03/23/11

Gerald Celente on CFRA with Michael Harris, March 24th 2011

Lew Rockwell on Anti-War Radio 03/25/11

Nuclear reactors safety, Max Keiser, Nicole Foss

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nigel Farage warns of euro meltdown

Michigan Finacial Martial Law - Power to Remove Elected Officials - Passed!

Nigel Farage: 'Bombings, Bailouts - What on Earth are We Doing?'

Ron Paul: Libya "is an Impeachable Offense"

Obama Takes Hits On All Sides - Many Speak of Impeachment

The Plain Truth on Undeclared Wars

Free State Project On Stossel

Dennis Kucinich Says Let Me See Bradley Manning!

Marc Faber - Chinese Collapse Coming

Celente: Libya civil war none of US business

Mike Lee Takes on our War President

Keiser Report: Freedom Fighters vs Corrupt Corps (E132)

The Secret Life of Chaos

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nullificationists face counter-protest & "Kochism" allegations (New Hampshire)

UN Terror Council Planned Attack on Libya Months Ahead

Jim Rogers: Close the Federal Reserve (March 21, 2011)

Former Area 51 Employee Ed Fouche

City of Dallas Bans Window Signs for Small Business

Bozeman, MT Protests DEA Raids 3-16-11

The Nature of Rights. Do you own your house?

Man Of Peace

This is why Ron Paul is called an anti-semite

Bernard Von Nothaus on Glenn Beck

Liberty Dollar Office with Bernard von NotHaus

The Liberty Dollar, Bernard von NotHaus

Ellsberg Speech - March 19, 2011

Arrested at the White House

Dennis Kucinich: Libya "No-Fly Zone is an Act of War"

Ralph Nader, "Obama Should be Impeached"

Richard Feynman - QED Lecture 4: "New Queries"