Monday, January 23, 2017

UnSpun 053 - Allen Ginsberg Exposed - with Dr. Hans Utter

Bizarre! Children Dance on Tables at Comet Ping Pong at Post Trump Inaug...


Clintons plotting their next move

China's Economy Is Running on Borrowed Money – and Time | Ruchir Sharma

Trump Signs Executive Order to Withdraw From TPP

The MOMENT We’ve All Been Waiting For Has ARRIVED—Will The US Make a BOL...

Trumps Inauguration Crowd VS Obama's - THE TRUTH - CNN Interactive CAM S...

Trump And GOP Seek To Deregulate Suppressors (Victory #3)

Trump Declares Official Intent to Renegotiate NAFTA (Victory #2)

Trumpophobe torches Trump backer

Exposed: Guess Who Financed Over 50 Anti-Trump Protest Groups

Woman Kicked off Plane Berating Trump Supporter Crowd Cheers USA At Femi...

Trump Blood Enemies: Big Pharma, Big Agra, NATO, NWO, Fed, Globalists, R...

REALIST NEWS - DC Rioters to be charged with "Felony Rioting". USA! USA!...

Trump’s Trip to CIA – Director Brennan Exposed - SR 1445