Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tenther News 01-22-13: Nullifying Federal Gun "Laws", Obamacare and the TSA

Jeremy Rys - Hour 1 - Alien Scientist, New Discoveries & 9/11


Flight 77 The White Plane-Documentary about the terror attacks on Septem...

Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état - 1/4

Lindsey Williams - Doctors Quitting Over ObamaCare

Gerald Celente - Roy Green Show - January 20, 2013

The Death Throes of the United States

How Obama will take your guns away

Utah sheriffs warn Obama of deadly war over guns... Not a Threat, But A ...

REALIST NEWS - Another country wants its gold back from the club

World Debt Domination

Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

There is About to be Some MORE MASS SHOOTINGS using Semi Automatic Rifle...

Episode #323 - Frmr US Marine Aims At VP Biden; Pulls Trigger On Most Po...

W.A.N. Radio 01-21-13 hr2 Charlie McGrath and his guest Ed Corcoran

Dr Gerson with Ryan Dawson The Pacific Pivot: China & US set on a crash ...