Monday, January 7, 2013

Ret. Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor On 2nd Amendment - "Unconstitutio...

Obama gets blasted by RADS 01.07.2013

Police & Military - Time to Choose

Episode #310 -- Veterans Today Reporter Caught In Psy-Op; James Fetzer I...

Absolute Proof Sandy Hook was Staged


Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening: Double Digging a French Intensive Raised...

Tenther News 01-07-13: Nullification bills introduced on Obamacare, NDAA...

What Really Happened - N.C. Police Lieutenant: Martial Law & Gun Grab wi...

The Money Changers of today

Obama's Cheney? "Assassination Czar" John Brennan Brings Legacy of Drone...

Disarmed & Detained for open-carry by Whole Foods store cop Wade Bowser

Rainwater Harvesting Off Grid

Richard Stallman, "Is Free Software Anarchist?"

Quantum computing news, from macroscopic teleportation, to lava dots.

Ben Swann's Protege, Nichole Mischke: Fiscal Cliff - Red Herring To Take...

Ben Swann - Full Disclosure CO, WI, CT shootings.. Are These The Work of...


Resonance - Beings of Frequency (documentary film)

2MIN News January 7, 2012: Cosmic Rays Decreasing

Dianne Feinstein Gun Control Hypocrite

Why Sandy Hook Inconsistencies Are There - Morris

If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?

WOW ~ Look what THEY are Plotting Now to get Our Guns !! Boycott Bank ...

Rense & Andy Gause - Sandy Hook Summation, Pt 1

130107 - Unconstitutional Actions

MSNBC: Is It Time To Get Rid Of The U.S. Constitution?