Creepy News... documenting the collapse since 2010
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Monday, June 30, 2014
Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Dispersed Across US Cities
Arizona cop's violent attack black professor who got charged with assault
RWW News: Wayne Allyn Root Campaigns For Chris McDaniel, Calls Obama "Ma...
ALERT! Gen. Petraeus Boldly Claims "After America Comes North America"!
ISIS : the end of sykes - picot نهاية سايكس بيكو
MSNBC: Blackwater Threatened To Kill State Dept. Investigators
Why is Facebook Manipulating Your Emotions?
Accelerated Crash Course (ACC) 2014
Chris Martenson-People Will Be Wiped Out In Coming Crash
Proof Obama Admin Paid Sandy Hook Hoax Participants $27+ Million
Global Meltdown Has Begun
New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airp...
Open Your Mind (OYM) - Jim Marrs/Brian Gerrish - 29th June 2014
Jim Fetzer: Al Whitney / Frankly Speaking
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