Thursday, October 31, 2013

ObamaCare: What You're Not Being Told

NSA Tapping the Pope's Phone


Jeff Rense & Jonathan Emord - Obamacare Nightmare

"This Professor Slays Zombies with Economics (and Guns)" | LearnLiberty

Bitcoin 101 Blackboard Series - What is Bitcoin? Part 1 - A Beginning Vi...

Employ-Ed: Snowden gets job at major Russian website

Fukushima Raging Radiation 6,500X More! NO SOLUTIONS & Selling 10 20 13

October,30,2013 Nuclear Alert Again !!!!

No Comments On Channel? Until We Meet Again...

Community meeting house and trading post in a Collapse Scenario.

LiveLeak com Raw footage of latest Fukushima earthquake

Russell Brand I love you but you're wrong - Topher VBlog 009 response to...

Unarmed man shot to death by police when he did not exit his property on...

Why ObamaCare Must Be Stopped

Michael Savage - Call Rush & Hannity Now! Time to Switch Topic to Amnest...

Attack of the Appliances! China Exports Gadets Embedded with Hidden Spy ...

NSA Has "HACKED" Into Google And Yahoo Fiber Optic Links