Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Want To Know About Obama's Forged Identity Documen...

Shocking police brutality caught on CCTV www keepvid com


NYPD officer on the rights of the public to film

Aerial Drones Are Watching You

Why is the Government Listening in on our Conversations?

Hoarding Now Classified As A Mental Disorder

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

STEAM ENGINE 12KW GENERATOR Solar Mirror Array Death Ray

Bob Costas Explains His Gun Control Rant On Sunday Night Football

Nuclear Israel: The secret that is not a secret

[59] Hactivist Entrapment, Aspartame, Syria War Inevitable

It Is Time To Fight Back - Police Brutality

Patrick McHenry on Nullification

JFK Assassination Linked To Weaponized Cancer Virus

Ben Swann - The Jerry Doyle Show - John Boehner Purges Fiscal Conservatives

Declaration of War! Declare War on Data Miners.

Response To Bob Costas Anti-Gun Rant

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (12-4-12) Ben Fuchs & Joel Wallach

Strange Universe with Sean David Morton

MSM: Syria Has Large Stockpiles Of Chemical Weapons

"I'M EATING FRANKENFISH!" "Please Don't Call It That" Is Genetically Mod...

121205 - Young Want Big Government