Saturday, March 29, 2014

WeatherWar101: Sofia Smallstorm on Red Ice Radio

Watch This Reaction: Putin Laughs Right In This Journalist's Face

SELF DEFENSE Techniques from GERALD CELENTE - Simple But Effective

Kelly from Tulsa and Kate Slate

Jim Rogers: China will gain massive power & influence by bailing out EU

APD declining to release Boyd video

NASA Predicts "Irreversible" COLLAPSE of Society

Jean-Martin Fortier: A Model for Profitable Micro-Farming

Dirty Pictures

Saline solution shortage threatens hospitals

Build A £1,000 House In 2 Days And More! - Johnny

We Are Being Primed For a Gay Snowden as President - Morris

French UK and USA Troops to Africa _ Morris

Soros The Man Who Sold The World - Pete Papaherakles

Dr Paul Craig Roberts 2014 : Ukraine, Neocons & Armageddon


Blonde Bombshell: Crimea prosecutor internet sensation & 'wanted' in Kiev

RIP James Boyd -- America has killed you

Court Rules Search Engines can Censor Results

Jeff Rense & Lyndon Larouche - America At The Edge

FF: Constant Obama Scandals; Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation; Obama CIA ...

The US Atlantic Coastline Goes On High Alert To Cover Up The Economic Co...

Nationalist Solution To Money