Wednesday, December 18, 2013

America Rotting: WCKG Reports

Sean Hannity "Obamacare navigators now at the center of a massive scandal"

'NSA's goal is elimination of privacy worldwide' - Greenwald to EU (FULL...

Awesome UFO Over Australia Beach

Great Depression Blues

The True Duty of a Jury

Riot Police Remove Their Helmets in Solidarity With Italian Protesters

Lindsey Williams on Goldseek Radio with Chris Waltzek - 4th December 2013

Breaks Down Bitcoin - global economic crisis - max Keiser

EPIC - Larry Klayman battles CNN's Jeff Toobin & Don Lemon

'It's torture': Pirate Bay co-founder kept in solitary awaiting hacking...

Police join protesters in Brazil

Wastebook: Government Spent $400K On Tea Party Intelligence Study - Alle...

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs - Zionist Supremacists

SANDY HOOK - CREATING REALITY: A TNN Redux of a Sofia Smallstorm Present...