Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B - Part 2

Aaron Copland - Fanfare for the Common Man

Monsanto challenged by 75-year-old farmer in Supreme Court

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (2-19-13) Wayne Madsen & Max Keiser

REALIST NEWS - Gun and Ammo Companies Fight Back

We're In The Middle Of A Global Awakening - MOC #208

Keiser Report: When Truth is Found to be Lies (E408)

The MEGA New Madrid Earthquake is Coming Soon -

Baltimore City Projected Bankruptcy, Just Politics as Usual?

Gerald Celente - Everything Financial Radio - February 16, 2013

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B - Part 1


President Obama Executive Order 13575 Rural Councils

Full Disclosure: Does CIA Director Nominee John Brennan Not Believe in ...

Welcome to the Real Matrix - Computer Code Found In Superstring Equations

Bluebeam, Jesus crucifix in the sky. Prepare for the fake alien invasion...

3MIN News February 19, 2013: Solar Eruptions in Progress

130219 - Homeschooling

Drone Pilots Get High-Ranked Medals

Alan Watts - The Quaking Mess (Ego)

America's 2nd Revolutionary War

JFK State of the Union Address (January 11, 1962)

Government is a bully

Nader and Fein at HLS: "America's Lawless Empire: The Constitutional Cri...

The Principle of Nullification

Are We Days Away From A Financial Collapse ?

Stefan Molyneux on Breaking the Set with Abby Martin