Monday, November 21, 2011

CBS's Bob Schieffer Tries to Nail Ron Paul, Gets Eaten Alive -- Nov 20 2011


Hillary Clinton & Tim Geithner Announce New Sanctions Against Iran

Ron Paul: How To End The Federal Reserve

Ron Paul is NOT a racist, Black Man's Rant

Thom Hartmann on the News - November 21, 2011

American Justice-Jury Under Siege

Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk: Message to the Super Committee (11-21-11)

Jim Rogers on Libertarianism and Austrian Economics

James Corbett & Wayne Madsen - Israel, the IAEA, and the Road to War Wit...


'Gaddafi son knows too much, will be silenced'

Goldman Sachs view on crooked banker protests (17Nov11) Newsnight

Ron Paul's - Freedom Watch - Iowa Caucuses 11-17-2011

ABC News Talks Ron Paul- Winning Iowa A Strong Possibility 11-20-11

Chris Matthews Criticizes Obama on MSNBC 11/20/11

Egypt: Video of brutal crackdown on Tahrir Sq protesters in Cairo....

Webster Tarpley World Crisis Radio 11 19 2011

Ron Paul Urgent Warning Inevitable Collapse IMF FMI BCE FED

Troll Claims Responsibility For Taking Down MOX News Channels!