Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sen. Cruz Challenges Eric Holder On Domestic Drone Use

What Is Driving This Market? There is NO VOLUME! By Gregory Mannarino

Is It Antisemitic To Say Zionist Jews Control USA Foreign Policy ?

DUI checkpoint refusal to search, arrest for DUI 0% BAC

Rand Paul Filibuster EPIC RANT. Reads From Alice In Wonderland CIA (John...

Pilot Reports Mystery Object Over JFK Airport 2013

FPSRussia- My Top 4 Handguns!

"I Don't Have A Gun Because I Live In Fear! I Don't Live In Fear Because...

Janet Napolitano Asked About DHS's 2,700 Armored Trucks

Cut All Foreign Aid to Israel

I Didn't Know That - Concrete Tent

2700 Armored Vehicles Purchased for Police Departments by DHS

Mainstream Media Lies About The 2 + Billion Bullets DHS Bought Against C...

Troops Deployed Ahead of Economic Collapse & Gun Confiscation

21. Entanglement and Quantum Cloning

Rick Santelli & Charles Biderman: Stock Market's Nominal High Drugged By...

A Drone Strike To Kill U.S. Citizen On American Soil Would Be Legal! Att...

TPP Could Endanger Millions of Patients

The MOC Show- Episode 2: The Secret Global Corporate Coup


FBI: Sequester Stops Wall Street Fraud Investigations...Which Exist?

WA State Is Wasting It's Time And Money Going Ahead With The Implementat...

Sue Colorado, Say Failed 'War on Drugs' Chiefs

Whoever Makes the MONEY Makes the LAWS G. Edward Griffin

130306 - Stopping Desertification

4MIN News March 6, 2013: Ice Age, Methane, Spaceweather

Whistle Blower Radio Kerry Cassidy Guest CLARK McCLELLAND