Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jeff Rense And Robert Steele - Shocking Enemies Inside And Out Of The Tr...

A Pair of Political Atheists: Lionel Interviews the Inimitable and Ineff...

Former House Speaker Says Child He Raped Should Pay Back Hush Money

Trump & Alex Jones Zionist Israel First

Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

PizzaGate Update: New Lead? Bill Clinton and Child Trafficker Laura Silsby

Alex Jones Infowars C.I.A Stratfor Connections Revealed

How Big Brother Seeded the Tech Revolution

Divided States of America: Citizens opposed each other after Trump took ...

Anti-Trump Leftist Hysteria | Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux

Women's March Controlled Opposition Seeks to Contain True People's Movem...

Shia Labeouf Goes Insane, Shouts At People Incoherently: Maybe I Should ...

Anti-Christ's Garden Of Eden: First GMO Apples To Be 'Tested' On Custome...

Non Partisan Politics: Trump Withdraws From The TPP and Vows To Renegoti...

Meet the Press: Kellyanne Conway vs Chuck Todd: To the Pain

Obama Enacts Sweeping Ammo Ban On Last Day As President

Trump Kills TPP, McCain is Disappointed, SR 1447


Trump Kills TPP! 75% Regulations to be CUT! Will China Dominate Globally?

The Psychosis of the Left-Right Paradigm: Those Who Hate Trump, Love Hil...

#PIZZAGATE DAMAGING REPORT BREAKING - James Alefantis' Rape Victim Speak...

The Video EVERY Honest Liberal Woman NEEDS to See!!

Trump Declares War Against the Alt-Left “Alternative Fact” Fake News Pro...