Monday, April 30, 2012

Ben Swann Reality Check Half Hour Special- Delegates

Agent ORANGE Crops! POWER As Addictive As COCAINE!

Sinking Spain: Lost in the recession pit

Why You Should Care: CISPA (E4)

Ron Paul's secret weapon - the delegates

Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman on Bloomberg TV - April 30, 2012

Gerald Celente - This Week in Money - 30 Apr 2012

RFK assassination witness tells CNN: There was a second shooter


120430 -- Failing Fraudulent Financial Farce

Tarpley CSPAN Debate "9-11, False Flags, and Black Ops" 2012

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (04-29-2012) Judyth Vary Baker - Final In...

Food World Order: Episode018 - Flossophy, Nanotech, Mad Cow (April 26, 2...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interview with Matt McDonald - Maine state delegate

Spain tightens borders to stem ECB protests

Occupy the Jury Box

Keiser Report: Oh My Gun! (E281)

CISPA Passes! Illinois Debtor Jail! GDP Disappoints! Gun Owner Stops Sta...

Webster G Tarpley - WorldCrisisRadio 2/2 - April 28, 2012

Gerald Celente : The Great Depression All Over Again

Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator: We Have Proof Foreign-Born Children Lis...

Naomi Wolf - Engaging democracy: How citizen uprisings will reshape America

Ben Swann- Reality Check- The Truth Behind the College Loan Interest Rat...

Richard Stallman: CISPA neally abolishes people's right not to be unreas...

Gerald Celente - The Corbett Report 27 Apr 2012

Dollar Collapse - Hyperinflation & New Economy

'Cop brutality fuels fire of student anger in Canada'

The Marco Rubio FRAUD

Election 2012: I'm Writing In Ron Paul

Ron Paul's UT Austin Town Hall Speech on Restoring America

House Passes CISPA to Destroy Internet Privacy

120428 - Budgets and Goons

Occupy Student Debt demands change

Crushing Cuts: Cops lash out as Spanish rally

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The First 12 Hours after the US Dollar Collapse

Judyth Vary Baker: The Final Interview Until 2013 (April 29th 2012 1pm-7...

Paul Craig Roberts - Progressive News Hour - April 26, 2012

Targeted Hacker Jacob Appelbaum on CISPA, Surveillance & the "Militariza...

Iran 'has cracked the software of a downed US drone and is copying the d...

CISPA Critics: Cybersecurity Act Will Increase Domestic Surveillance, Vi...

Gathering Intel Before An Emergency

Keiser Report: Tainted Sinkholes Of Fraud (E280)

George Soros and Rupert Murdoch are sending Marco Rubio to Occupy Bilder...

Judge Napolitano : Your 1st Amendment has been Rescinded by Government (...

Mike Rivero telling it like it is about banker slavery

CISPA: Sheila Jackson Lee, J-Nap & A Swift Kick in the Nuts

Another Bait and Switch? Obama Opposes CISPA. Yeah, Right

Federal Govt Attempts to Sieze Control of Food Retail System

120426 - EU Faces Fight

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bob Chapman - The Corbett Report - 25 apr 2012

obama effin idiot

1T Day: As US Student Debt Hits $1 Trillion, Occupy Protests Planned for...

Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem?

Agenda 21 declaring war on family farmers

Jim Rogers says 4 more years of Obama, SHTF in 2013-2014, and farmers wi...

Jim Sinclair Leaving U.S. & Thoughts on Economic Expatriation

120425 - Mexico & Russia Get Physical


TSA Tells Complainers: "Go To Hell"

Michael Boldin talks Nullification

Executive Orders Unleashed: Obama "Can't Wait" to Bypass Congress

Michio Kaku: A Solar Revolution?

The Manchurian Presidents HITLIST

Bilderberg Invasion 2012: The Globalist Hubris Leads to Virginia!

Ron Paul Winning: MSM Decides its Safe to Make Announcement

Bill O'Reilly Lies Again to His Viewers about Obama's Felony Identity Do...

James Turk gives his timeline on the Dollar's Collapse and Gold's role a...

Naomi Wolf on a Police State in America

Ben Swann- Reality Check- U.S Staying In Afghanistan Until 2024- Obama l...

Obama condemns monitoring abroad as Congress pushes CISPA

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The War on Whitey & The TSA's Hollywood Grope Fest

TEDxNewWallStreet - Ellen Brown - From Scarcity to Abundance: Re-imagini...

American Dream BURIED (3-5pm Central, 4-6pm EST)

FOX News Painfully Admits That Ron Paul Will Win Iowa

Egypt halts gas exports to Israel - Press TV News

AMERICA - Bank Bailouts To Haunt Your Dreams

Keiser Report: Beggars Without Borders (E279)

Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2)

Breaking! Head Climate Monger Jumps Ship: Marc Morano Reports

Iran / RQ-170 " Cracked the Codes / Copy of Spy drone " !

Why Einstein Gets the Last Laugh

Dutch PM resigns after failed austerity talks

120426 - EU Unraveling

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 23th Apr 2012

The TSA's Star Studded Grope Down Psyop Attack

FBI Seizes Anonymizer Server

Extend and Pretend Economics then COLLAPSE

Attorney Larry Klayman: "Discovery is Underway" in Florida Obama Ballot ...

"I Think Ron Paul Just Won Iowa!" Rachel Maddow April 23, 2012

Groundbreaking Interview With Lee H.Oswald's Girlfriend Judyth V.Baker

Food World Order: Episode017 - Fluoride, Hugs and Drugs (April 19, 2012)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Assange Episode 2: Left & right in 21st century

Ron Paul - Guest Host Segment on CNBC - 04/23/12

The NAACP Supports Stand Your Ground

Naomi Wolf-Keep the Free Press/1st Amendment (Stop Tyranny Now)

Webster G Tarpley - Wold Crisis Radio - April 21, 2012

Senate Passes Bill Requiring Black Box Data Recorders in New Cars

What Is Endless War Doing To U.S. Soldiers?

Iran Claims To Have Reverse Engineered Top Secret U.S. Spy Drone Aircraft

Clip of The Keiser Report with Matt Taibbi (2012 April 19)

GERALD CELENTE: MF Global Bonus Time, JP Morgan, Gold Delivery. Trends I...

Gerald Celente - Economy Worse Than Great Depression - Economic Collaps...

FBI Director Confirms The President Can Kill Anyone He Wants

TSA: All Americans Must Be Irradiated!

Medical Tyranny and Murder In The Matrix

NSA Orwellian State! The Fukushima Threat! SMART GRID Massive Vulnerabil...

120423 - BRICS Demand Bigger IMF Role

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Webster G Tarpley - Wold Crisis Radio - April 21, 2012

Wells Fargo behind for-profit prisons


Keiser Report: Corpse of Economy (E278)

Infowars Nightly News 2012-04-20 Friday

Hundreds Of Thousands Could Be Affected By FBI Internet Outage! (ANYBODY...

Cyber expert on SMART GRID: massive vulnerability, who's accountable?

"Robot Sex Is Gonna Be BIG!" Singularity University Using Technology To ...

Deepwater OIL SPILL Entered Gulf Food Chain! Jobless Claims Rising!

James Turk The US on the cusp of hyperinflation

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. Police State Masquerades as A Democracy

Fbi : Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge

TSA and the US government pushing for more Body Scanners around the Coun...

Plasma Fusion -- hoax or breakthrough reality?

Jon "Teflon Don" Corzine and his Posse Roam Free ahead of new MF Global ...

The U.S. Government is the Worst Polluter on the Planet

The Injustice System in America with Stewart Rhodes

120421 - War On Cash

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ben Swann: Does CISPA Mean The End of Internet Privacy?

"The NSA Is Lying": U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Emails Sa...

'Muslim Brotherhood tool of CIA'

120420 - Get Out Of California

Monsanto Playing God

Happy Hour: Ted Nugent Wants to Kill Obama?

Gordon Duff Exposes People Behind the Tier 1 Group

What's been going on with the silver price

Ben Swann-Reality Check: U S Credit Rating Downgraded A Second Time In J...

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 19th Apr 2012

Iran's Nuclear Program, Housing Recovery, EU Debt Crisis & More: Weekly ...

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (4-19-12) - Joel Skousen -

Are Central Bankers just Economic Make-up Artists, Sexing-up Prices?

The Return of Debtors' Prison via Court Fees

Hogwash! Authorities kill feral pigs in Michigan

Thursday, April 19, 2012

William Engdahl -- "Americas Gone Mad", says the Rest of the World -- Ap...

Keiser Report: Vicious Circle of Bankster Huddles (E277)


'This is War!' Italy museum burns art to protest deadly cuts

Monsanto attempts to force seeds on Nepal

OKC Bombing Star Witness Reveals Staged Government Terror Attack

Greenwald: Assange + RT drives US mainstream extra mad

Man Strips Naked At Portland Airport After Being Hassled By TSA

SCO Grows, Bigger Banksters, Crowd-Sourced Research - New World Next Week

BREAKING NEWS: Alaska GOP Cheating Ron Paul In Delegate Process!

Judge Napolitano on Court's Upholding of Arizona Voter I.D. Law

Pentagon Condemns Photos Of Soldiers Posing With Body Parts Of Dead Afghans

Stabbed to death by Goldman Sachs? Oops, technical violation

Obama's College Friends on: "The Ethics of Killing White Babies"

120419 - Manipulation To Fail

Monsanto taking over global agriculture

Debt-ridden Countries IMF'd as "Euro Collapse" threat lures Bailout Buck...

Pentagon asked Times not to publish scandalous Afghan images

US Soldiers Pose with Afghan Corpse

CISPA is SOPA 2.0?! Homeland's Pre-Crime Screening! Italy Deficit Raises!

"We Don't Have The Ability To Control The Fracking Industry & They've Al...

END the IRS!

Secret Service, Obama Assassination & Societal Collapse

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Naked Man Protests TSA at Portland Airport

Greece- A country on the edge

Nigel Farage on the Euro - 18th April 2012

Chertoff on Cyber Threat: Intollerable

'Assange & RT under fire as US intolerant to criticism'

John Pilger - The New rulers of The World

Bob Chapman - James Corbett Interview - April 18, 2012

Greg Hunter of on Buffett Rule (from 04/16/12 Brad & Bri...

Piers Morgan Has A Message For Police Officers "In Language Their Minisc...

Bring out the dead: US troops pose with Afghan body parts

Alan Watt: The Killing Method

Falkvinge exclusive: Battle for Internet on, Big Brother at the gate

Farrakhan Threatens: People Will Kill Their Leaders In A Few Days

2012 NRA Annual Meetings: Ted Nugent on the NRA News set

Marc Faber on 04.17.2012 (playlist)

Agenda 21, Travel Ban if Money Owed to IRS, Internal Checkpoints, Police...

US economy spurs foreign nationals to return home - Press TV News


New ISP will defend users from government spying

Tax Hike: American Tax Hell Forces Civilians to Leave in Droves

Barack Scratch Fever: Ted Nugent Investigated for Constitutional Outburst

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Civil war brewing within OWS?

COLLAPSE: City Vs. Country! Bugging In Vs. Bugging Out! (DEMCAD with Mia...

How to Control Society: Education and "National Security"

Farrakhan - Kill Your Leaders and Internet Kill Switch

Record Number of Americans Flee the United States

Keiser Report: Meets Schiff Report 4.0 (E276)

AP Wins Pulitzer For Exposing NYPD's CIA-Linked Intel Program, Widesprea...

Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Hassan Nasrallah (E1)

Judge Andrew Napolitano says the NSA has gone to far.

Oklahoma City Bombing (playlist)

Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage

New OKC Bombing Film Refutes The Official Story

911 and the cover up by Ryan Dawson

911 and the cover up by Ryan Dawson from Ryantineocon on Vimeo.

The Revolution Will NOT Be Televised Ron Paul 2012

120417 - UN Dictatiing to Syria

Rosco P. Coltrane Says No Filming at City Hall

Rense & Jim Marrs - Fun Chat With Jim!

Food World Order: Episode016 - EnviroPigs and Rooftop Farms (April 12, 2...

The CIA's Candidate: Sarkozy and the French Election

The battle over Internet control rages on

End The Charter - Iran Will Be World War 3

Ann Barnhardt: All the "Rat Bastards" in DC Know Obama is Not Eligible

Monday, April 16, 2012


Anti-CISPA Protest! Fukushima Radiation Headed Across Pacific! GSA Spent...

Peter Schiff: Ben Bernanke completely clueless

Red Ice Radio - Sterling Allan - Free Energy Technologies & Defeating Co...

Protest against the Trail of Tears

Obama Refuses To Back Growing Call For Drug Legalization To Stop Violenc...


Battle of Ideas: Anti-globalist fever grips France ahead of elex

CrossTalk: Facebook Timeline Tyranny

Why You Should Care: Greek Debt (E2)

Adrian Salbuchi Says Now Is the Time to Take Our World Back NOW OR NEVER...

Obama: Candidates for Public Office Should be Transparent as Possible - ...

Ben Swann- Reality Check - The Missouri GOP Tries It Again

On the Edge with Max Keiser: Apr. 13, 2012

CELENTE: The Whole Financial System is a CASINO' (playlist)

30-Year Constitutional Scholar: Natural Born Citizen Is One Born On Soil...

120416 - Central Banks and Inflation

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can ANYONE Tell Me Why We Should Stay In Afghanistan For Even An Other 6...

David Duke Show-Kevin MacDonald Zionist intention to heighten racial ten...

Keiser Report: Too Broke To Go Broke (E275)

Kerry Lutz - Ty Andros - April 13, 2012

How Zionists Divide and Conquer

20120412 - The science behind free energy w/Craig Gunnufson

Watts Riots News Reel.mp4

Nullification Non Compliance Ron Paul Revolution (playlist)

Engdahl: CIA plays ugly role, trains Syrian rebels


ICE Begins Process To Deport Obama's Illegal Alien Uncle

Friday, April 13, 2012

Coast To Coast Am [April 11, 2012] Damon Vickers with George Noory SUBPR...

Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Show - 12 Apr 2012

Shark-infested Equity Waters, Metals Manipulation and Energy Depletion

Coming soon: a three currency world

Richard Stallman - Software Patents (University of Calgary 2005)

High-frequency trading... on acid!

Only 3% of 'Hardest Hit' TARP Fund Used

Bilderberg Group to Pick Romney's Puppet Mate (Paul Joseph Watson, InfoW...

Ben Swann- Reality Check- North Dakota GOP Election Fraud & Corruption (...

Ron Paul - The Water Is Starting to Boil

You're A Slave And Here's Why

Kevin Barrett Truth Jihad 04 09 12 Roger Tucker israel Samson Option Des...

'United States plans another 9_11 style attack'.

Jobless Claims Jump! Can Facebook Get You Fired? Spain Needs Bailout?

Back to the Future: The Central Banker's Destruction of Time and Space!!

Fox News probes Tim Tebow's eligibility to be VP but not Obama's eligibi...

Fox News: Harvard Should Release Obama's Records He Spent $200,000 Hiding

My second amendment violation status update April 2012

120413 - US Budget Deficit At Record High

The Zimmerman Circus: The Latest

Expect Controversy: Assange's The World Tomorrow to premiere on RT

Thursday, April 12, 2012

TSA Now Searching For Silver And Gold!

Tax Collector Getting Tortured By Whiskey Rebels 1794

The Revolutionary War, Shay's Rebellion, and Whiskey Rebellion (ForAnEme...

Zimmerman: Stand Your Ground Immunity (Part I)

DHS Hacks Xbox, Sibel Ungagged, Knockout Gas - New World Next Week

Keiser Report: Somali Style! (E274)

"A Brief History of Israeli Spying in the US" (Corbett Report)

120412 - Update Emergency Kits

Impeach Obama 2012!

America - Next Few Months Expect War & Terror

CISPA going international?

A Look at how Central Banks are Steering our Society off an Economic Cliff

Zimmerman Lynching: What Do We Stand For Here In America?

Judge Napolitano on the Possible Charges George Zimmerman Could Face

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (4-11-12) - Gerald Celente -

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In Guns We Trust (In Dollars We Don't)


An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)

Will Higher Tax Rates Balance the Budget?

Don't Fall for 'Devide and Conquer,' We Shouldn't be Fighting Each Other...

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan talks about Ron Paul Gold Standard

Kerry Lutz - Dr. Marc Faber - April 10, 2012

EPA-approved GMO Insecticide Responsible for Killing off Bees- Alex Jone...

Monsanto Threatens to Sue the entire State of Vermont- Alex Jones Infowa...

"Casino Jack" Abramoff breaks down how Government is Sold to the Highest...


New Jersey Hearing: Obama Lawyer Says Obama Does Not Have to Prove Eligi...

Michael Savage Interview with The Washington Times - (4/10/12)

120411 - Triple-Dip Economy

What Happens To Santorums Delegates (Ben Swann Reality Check)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

War on whistleblowers turning into the war on journalists?

Netflix Super-Pac to crack down on the Internet?

Suburbia Sucks & Iran War Near (FAKE NUKES)


Bob Chapman - The Corbett Report - April 10, 2012

Reality Check Ben Swann - Government Over Reach

shots fired near zimmermans home into police car\message to all white po...

Marine Being Kicked Out Of The Military Because Of Anti Obama Webpage

Big Brother 'legal' in US: Mumia Abu-Jamal exclusive to RT

California judge sides with porn downloaders

US & UK Firms Selling Spy Gear to Repressive Regimes

Judge Napolitano on Admin. Sending $500M to IRS for Health Care Law

CNN: U.S. Sends Loaded Warship To Iran! "Ready If Obama Orders Military ...

Marc Faber - Forget Treasuries, Housing Is the Place to Hide

Joel Skousen w/ Jeff Rense - World Affairs Brief

Peak Civilization! Police Copy Cell Info! Telepathic Soldiers! Employmen...

Big Ag Buys 'Gag Orders' from Gov't

The Secret Service and the 9/11 Stand Down - Kevin Ryan on GRTV

Intel Hub News Brief: Navy Tests Drones on Pirates & Tech with Jason Bermas

120410 - FED Trapped in Matrix

Keiser Report: Return of the Silver Liberation Army (E273)

Alex Jones: The globalists have kept us from having kids

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Economy SAVED? Stock ACT Bill signed

The Jericho Report 04/08/2012


Jim Fetzer: What Happened To JFK And Why It Matters Today

Visible Proof That Oswald Was Innocent

Off Grid Tiny House with two kitchens

Judge Napolitano Comments on DOJ Response on Power of Courts

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 6th Apr 2012

On the Edge with Max Keiser: Apr. 6, 2012

Financial Checkup - JOBS Act Invites Fraud?

Jim Rogers - A Holocaust is Coming

Sneak Peak at Alex Jones New Film JFK (playlist)

LEAKED video: BlackWater / Academi Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Global War & Total Destruction of the AMERICAN FAMILY

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler: I have a lot of doubts about Obama's birth...

Rick Santorum wages war on porn stars

"PUS in MILK"_ Does a body good?

DHS to start patrolling the Internet?

OBAMNEY, Presidential Election 2012

Gerald Celente - Coast to Coast AM - 05 Apr 2012

A Marijuana Bud A Day Keeps The Stroke Away

9/11 Suspect (Waterboarded 183 Times) Faces Trial

'No truth on extent of US indebtedness'

Super Simple, CPVC Solar Hot Water Collector

How Drug Companies Keep You Hooked

American Advisor - Precious Metals Market Update 04.03.12

Marc Faber - Financial Sense Newshour - April 5, 2012

Concerns over US police corruption widen

120406 -30 Pieces of Silver

Michelle Alexander: 'The New Jim Crow'

Economic Hit Man John Perkins on the New Banana Republic and USA, Inc.

The Left-Right Paradigm. Romney or Obama: It Doesn't Matter.

Housing crisis worsens in France - Press TV News

A Look at the Big Con (Gordon Duff)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New World Next Week - ICC vs. Palestine, Orwell's Emails, Water Wars

A Warning to the Muslim World by David Duke

Joel Skousen on The Jeff Rense - 04 Apr 2012

Assange show promo released: 'The World Tomorrow' soon on RT

MAJOR EVENT: Next Few Months, War and Death Consequence of QE


Interview with Ed Corcoran - Survivalist Magazine - bugging out from the...

Max Keiser - European BItcoin Conference, Prague 2011

New Wave of Foreclores & Layoff! College Debt Freezes Transcript!

'US blames Iran for rising fuel prices'

THIS cartoon isn't funny! 'Make Mine Freedom' from 1948 warned how freed...

GERALD CELENTE - Michelle Obama Propoganda

Osama Bin Bernanke A HERO?

Keiser Report: Angel Dust for Ponzi-Addicts (E271)

America's Internet freedoms hypocrisy

Judge Andrew Napolitano on the 5th circuit V Obama.

Nullify Now! Philadelphia - Michael Boldin


120405 - Need Food and Ammo

Federal Reserve to Announce QE3 in June (4/5/12)

Price of Debt: 'EU in mortal danger'

NASA HACKER - Gary McKinnon

Ron paul 'I guess they will hear us soon " april 4

CIA Funding and Manipulation of the U.S. News Media


NBC's Race-Baiting Editing of the Zimmerman 911 Tape

POLICE STATE - New UK Law To Track Citizens Phone Calls, Emails, Faceboo...

Greek unrest over pensioner suicide

Ron Paul & Judge Andrew Napolitano on Cavuto 04-04-2012 [HD]

Santa Monica Police Pepper Spray Students Protesting Higher Tuition 3 Ho...

The Rapidly Crumbling Global Economy with Swiss Investor Marc Faber

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bush administration torture techniques report revealed

...and Thus Cometh the Economic End Times... Stefan Molyneux of Freedoma...


Gerald Celente - Stansberry Radio - April 04, 2012

The Future: Neighborhood Watch As Cities Burn

NBC Issues Apology For Edited Zimmerman 911 Call

Obama is a FAKE President, This is Do or Die for America

Alex Jones Marc Faber Where is it all going? 4.apr.2012

US Supreme Court Legalizes Strip-Searches, Finger-Rape by Cops

Boomers wave bye-bye to retirement savings

2012 Presidential Election "the fix is in"

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk: 4-2-2012 The Supreme Court and Obamacare

Ron Paul - Secession is the Right of Free Men!

Apr 3, 2012 Pakistan_Protests break out over oil prices, threatening sta...

Stuart Varney and Judge Napolitano Discuss President Obama's Comments Ab...

Michael Savage - It's 'do or die' for America - April 2, 2012

Austerity Suicides: Debt the Ripper stalks Europe

building a diy designer greenhouse in 5 minutes

David Cameron says it's vital he spies on your internet use (04Apr12)

Nutriloaf: Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

ELECTION 2012 A Banking Cartel COUP?

Happy Hour: GOP's 'Social Darwinism' ?

2,500 marines in Australia 'new battlefront for US'?

Why Not Print More Money?

Supreme Court rules strip searches for all?

Web Freedumb: Censor at home, export liberty

Nick Clegg defends spying on your internet use (03Apr12)

Eurozone continues to face problems - Press TV News

Propaganda's Founding Father Edward Bernays Exposed!

The Peter Schff Show - Stefan Molyneux (playlist)

Marc Faber, "The Ego of Mr. Bernanke has been Badly Inflated"

CISPA: Nightmare Cybersecurity Bill

Trayvon Martin 911 Riots & Race Relations in America

Gerald Celente RT America - 03 April 2012

120404 - NDAA Challenged

Worse than SOPA? CISPA to censor Web in name of cybersecurity

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bob Chapman - USAprepares - April 3, 2012:

Growing Greens in Hoop Houses : Gardening Tip for Transplanting Onions

Reagan vs. University of California--Berekley.

Lew Rockwell: "Ron Paul already won the election"

Stefan Molyneux - James Corbett Interview - April 3, 2012

ALEX JONES - Obama Administration Exploits Trayvon Shooting to Push Anti...

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 2nd Apr 2012

Marc Faber: Massive Wealth Destruction Will Eventually Hit Investors

'US trained military enemy for next 75 years'

MONSANTO FDA LABELING - Crimes on Humanity??

Obama Birth Certificate BIGGER Than Watergate

Tribute to Torri

Keiser Report: Debtflation (E270)

Big Bro Full Access: Death sentence to UK online privacy?

The Answer to Religious Extremism...Kill everyone! Pentagon Briefing to ...

Jim Rogers - Opalesque Radio - 21st March 2012

Economic crisis increases suicide rate in Italy

120403 - Will US Troops Fire On Americans?

Keiser Report: Kamikaze Banking (E269)

CALL TO ACTION - General Strike May 1st - WE MUST BE FREE - #M1GS


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Quantum Entanglement the greatest mystery in physics

Portuguese protest austerity measures - Press TV News

Nicole Foss, World Financial Instability Dialogue Nelson New Zealand Mar...

The Jericho Report 04/01/2012

Gold and Silver Manipulation

The bravest woman in America (a Moldovan-Jewish lady) is headed to Hawai...


Fukushima... radiation so high - even robots not safe

Chris Hedges "Call to Action to create a new Political Movement replacin...

A Must See Documentary

NSA vs USA: Total surveillance zooms-in on Americans

What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 30th Mar 2012


Zionist Freaks Out on Alison Weir and Phil Giraldi Ex CIA Speaks Out

Roberts: 'AIPAC purchases US elections'

Top US Spy-- Its OFFICIAL Dual Citizen Israelis Control America

Alex Jones and Max Keiser

Michael Savage - DHS Needs 700 Million Rounds of Ammunition!!!

Are WE Repeating HISTORY?


Michael Savage - ABC's Video Forged to Blame Zimmerman !!!!

S.C. Treasury REPORT: Banking Cartel Has Engaged in "Artificial Gold/Siv...

Eye-Witness Accounts Of Multiple Soldiers Involved In Afghan Massacre

Sheriff Arpaio: Death Threats + MSM Blackout, Obama's Fake Birth Certifi...

Sheriff Joe Obama Investigation: This Is Now A Full Fledged Law Enforcem...

Arpaio Posse: Obama's Birth Certificate DEFINITE Forgery!