Thursday, January 31, 2013

1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS. World's highest resolution video surveillance pl...

Full Scale War On The Horizon

Active duty US Army soldier resists on AVTM LIVE!

Outrage at Aaron Swartz Prosecutor's Role in Death

"Carmen Ortiz is a Tyrant, a Completely Out of Control Rogue Maniac, Des...

US prosecutors overstepping their boundaries


ABC News: Maryland First Grader Suspended for Pointing Finger in Shape o...

Kindergarden Girl Suspended For 'Terroristic Threat' With Hello Kitty Bu...

Paper Gun Gets 5th Grader Traumatized By Faculty & Students, Anti-Gun Hy...

Nerf Gun Sends Public School In The Bronx Into A Frenzy, Nationwide Knee...

BREAKING! Middle School Shooting In Atlanta Georgia

Take The BLUE Pill

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine

Peter Schiff On Record Gold Prices I Told You So

POLICE BRUTALITY Texas Cops Kill 8th Grader with CO2 pistol

The Primer Fields Part 2

[93] George Galloway Exclusive, Immigration Hypocrisy, US Law: Watergate...

Israeli Bombers Returning Home Over Damascus After Bombing Raid on resea...

GMO A Go Go!

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (1-30-13)

Barack Obama: 30 Lies in 14 Minutes

W.A.N. Radio 01-30-13 hr1 with James Corbett

Gun Debate Divides Country

Little 5 Year Old Boy Suspended For Making "Lego Gun" At School

This Whole Rotten Scenario

Israels Brazen Act Of War On Syria - Morris

War is Peace

38. Identifying Different Psychopaths

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

TRUTH? ~ Nothing Is What It Seems

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (1-30-13) Dr. Jim Garrow & Bruce Fein

DEA pushes for warrantless access to your medical records

4th Quarter Sign of Collapse Ahead

So You Want to Topple the US Government?

Gun Control for Dummies - It's Common Sense

Rick Santelli Slams Ben Bernanke 'Whatever You're Doing, Bloodletting & ...

Rense & Jeffrey Smith - Virus Gene Found In GMO Crops

Belgian MP LAURENT LOUIS stands against war - English Voice Over

Euro Crisis And Collapse, Nigel Farage, The Media Still Has No Grip On R...

GPD Negative! Germany Demands its GOLD! U.S. Drones in NIGER!

Peter Schiff on Negative 4th QTR GDP "The Temporary Euphoria Of The Stim...

3 People Injured In Shooting In Phoenix Arizona "Just Unbelievable" CNN ...


Michael Badnarik - Well thought out minarchism

FLUORIDEGATE An American Tragedy - PROMO

Gun Advocate: Women Need The Peace Of Mind Of "A Scary Looking Gun"

YouTube To Begin Charging Monthly Fee To Subscribe To Some Pages

Did Obama Stage a Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria?

Marc Faber : Better Enjoy the Market Rally While You Can , 29.1. 2013

Calling Out The Hypocritical, War-Loving Left

Rick Santelli Responds to Negative GDP Report: 'We Are Now Europe'

Police State Preparations

130130 - Another War

Matt Lauer Grills Al Gore Over 'Hypocrisy' In Selling Current TV To Oil-...

Growing Number Of Sheriffs Refusing To Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

Man With Concealed Carry Permit Arrested For Exposure Of Gun Goes Viral,...

'We've Lost Our Sovereignty To City of London Banks" - Harley Schlanger

Michael Savage on Obama Immigration Plan, Tyrannical Nature and More - 1...

Obama Expands U.S. Footprint Northern Africa


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Outrage as couple faces jail time for rescuing injured baby deer

Peter Schiff, "Europe is the Warm Up, but America is the Main Event"

The bravest woman in America (a Moldovan-Jewish lady) is headed to Hawai...


Zionist Gun Control Legislation In The United States 1968 - Present

Anonymous Hacks DOJ, Threatens to Release Info Bomb!

How Preppers Deal With An Ammo Shortage

Gerald Celente - Tom Sullivan on Fox Business News - January 26, 2013

"I Believe A Ban On Assault Weapons And High Capacity Clips Is Appropria...

ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11 (FULL documentary)

3MIN News January 29, 2013: Climate News


SLAVERY AND THE 8 VEILS ~ Full Length from David Goliath on Vimeo.

Sessions Warns Washington Elites Against Rush To Amnesty

The Underground World News ~ 1/28/13

Please Wake Up ~ Hard Tyranny Is Coming

"Explain To Me The Best Way To Deal With The HANDGUN PROBLEM Going Forwa...

Caller To Levin: Obama Couldn't Pass E-Verify; Levin Drops Call

REALIST NEWS - Military and Miami police do classified joint excercise d...

Marc Faber 'The Markets Will Punish The Interventionists, The Keynesians...

Army Drill For Martial Law Terrorizes Residents in Houston, TX

U.S. cities are death traps like Brazilian nightclub

Howell County Sheriffs Department aids Milk Board in the destruction of ...

Morningland Dairy raided and another family business destroyed 01/25/13

Canadian Special Forces On The Ground In Mali

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (01-27-2013) ARMY Gunships Fire on Miami,...

130129 - Suspended Debt Limit

Monday, January 28, 2013

Rise of the Drones

Watch Rise of the Drones on PBS. See more from NOVA.

Police Have No Duty To Protect You

I , Pet Got 2 Map : Superbowl False Flag Attack ?? New Orleans Pinned o...

NYC To Deploy Tera-Hertz Body Scanning Technology

White House, Congress Create Gun-Buying Frenzy After Newtown

Gun Collectors Take Over Gun Buy Back

HSBC Buys $876 Million Silver

Jews in Iran

"Sept 11 was good for Israel." -- Netanyahu

Iceland President: Let Banks Go Bankrupt

Journalist Accosted By Security Over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question

Senator Confronted on Government Spending and Agressive Military Policies

"Every 30 Minutes A Farmer Kills Himself, You'll Never Guess Why" - MOC ...

DHS buys 7,000 full-auto assault rifles to use against Americans

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "It Must Be True" - (1/23/13)

"There Are Things You Can And Should Do To Protect Yourself" Sheriff Da...

Pres Obama "We Need Serious Laws That Restrict Assault Weapons & Ammo"

Tenther News 01-28-13: Nullify Obamacare, the War on Marijuana, Federal...

Peter Schiff & Ryan Dawson

The Sandy Hook Controversy - James Tracy on GRTV


Senator For The 2nd Amendment.flv

Pastor Manning: Your President Has No History; All Records Sealed

Heads Up ! AMMO ALL GONE !?! 4-6 Months on Back orders ! Get it While Y...


Busted !!! Cops Caught Beating a Tazed & Cuffed Man in Bridgeport Conn...

130128 - Gold Bonds

SHOCKING - Federal Reserve Bank admits they lost 9 Trillion Dollars!

Dollar Sell Off Within 4 Months-John Williams

Sunday, January 27, 2013

9 11 AMATEUR Part 2 YouTube

US Attempts To Extradite 9 11 FEMA Videographer From Argentina

Anti gun people can NOT defeat this video

Why Jews Must Believe In Jesus


911 Truth ~ Experts Speak Out

Project Sandy Hook Explained

Massachusetts State House Firearms Rally 1/19/2013 - Amazing Chinese-Ame...

Israel: The Promised Land of Organized Crime - Full Version

The Sad Truth Why Most Of You Won't Wake Up - 1080p HD & Dolby 5.1

Love Police: British Gas Home Invasion

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Update: New Evidence Will Convince Greatest Ske...

Sandy Hook News Chopper Helicopter - Crystal Clear - HD and Zooms

"This Time There Will Be Change Or There Will be Chaos!" Anonymous Messa...

"Anonymous Said It Was Declaring War On The U.S. Government"

The Failed Gun Run

Holocaust / Hitler Copyrighted by ADL & Demonization of Iran Continues

Sheriff: Get A Gun And Learn How To Use It! Calling 911 Is No Longer You...

Orly Taitz - Obama is illegitimate

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Anonymous: Operation Last Resort "Sounds Like They Want A War"

Welcome to Downtown Toledo, Ohio - renaissance or fool's gold?

"Anonymous" Hacks DOJ Website As Revenge For Aaron Swartz

Love Police: Britain's Descent into Dystopian Security State

Spain fails to tackle unemployment

France impose media blackout on North Mali war


Will you film the police?

"Hitler founded Israel" - 1933 The Transfer Agreement Part 1 Vostfr

"This Is A Sick Joke On ALL Of Us!" Obama Nominates Wall Street Protecto...

Obama: Tough Cops Needed To Enforce Tough Financial Reforms

Cutter Charges in the North Tower by David Chandler - Italian.avi

Copy of israel in 3 minutes

Oak Harbor Washington a disabled veteran stood up to speak in defense o...

WTF ? MIAMI ~ Black Helicopters Open Fire in Downtown !! Said to be a ...

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - It Must Be True (23 Jan 2013)

Agenda 21 Depopulation of The World

Twist the Tiger by the Tail - Call to Senator on Sandy - Good then More ...

Episode #327 - Concealed Carry Afghanistan War Veteran Scares Off City C...

wood burning stoves - super efficient rocket mass heater

Prototype Quadrotor with Machine Gun!

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time

Friday, January 25, 2013

CNN Host Plays Birther Card In Gun Debate - 1/25/2013

The Return of Debtors' Prison via Court Fees

Jon Stewart: "AIG Put The 'A' In Asshole"

Judge Napolitano on Phil Mickelson's Comments On High Taxes 'Who Wouldn'...

Earthquake Update : Uptick in Quakes & Swarm Activity 1/25/13 Quake ...

Shoulders of Giants: Lysander Spooner

Off The Grid in Kansas In A Straw Bale House III

Obama's America - Fascist Cop Violates Constitutional Rights of a Woman ...

MicroSoft Support Call

Microsoft Customer Service SUCKS!

Interview with Greg Mannarino on the Economy, Gold, FED Monetary Policy ...

Antibiotic-Resistance 'Apocalyptic' Threat! Narcolepsy link to GSK Swine...

How to protect your plants from Pests using organic methods and other ga...

REALIST NEWS - Oldest bank in the world caught hiding MASSIVE losses thr...


Fighting Over Food Stamps Fight in East St.Louis Office on 1 22 13

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (01-21-2013) The Assassination of MLK Jr....

130125 - Forced Debt Creation?

They're in a Gun Grabbing Panic

Julio Rausseo - The chemtrail & GMO connection

"Can Either Of You Answer A Simple Question?" Asked By A Pompous Twit

Police Want New Scanner Technology That Detects Weapons As You Walk By

AVTM #53 Why you should blame conservatives for gun control

Debt and Guns Consume Washington D.C. - Weekly News Wrap-Up

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (1-24-13) Julio Rausseo

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Silver wedge formation


COVER in Home During SHTF! Mossberg 500 Repair! Chevy Express Problem!

Guns and Ammo Shortage 2013 Guns for Groceries!

NIST FOIA 09-42: R27 -- 42A0170 - G26D29 (Ground Zero/WTC7 Rubble/Clean-...

There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

Dianne Feinstein opens up anti-gun presser with a prayer

What Happens When GUN CONFISCATION Is Forced On People By Their Governme...

Somebody Picked the Wrong Girl

Flu Shot Narcolepsy, Bye Bye Scanners, Privacy Glasses - New World Next ...

High Ranking US Major General Exposes September 11

WOW ~ NASA UFO !! ISS Catches Huge Black Triangle UFO ~ NASA ISS UF...

Extremely Radioactive Snow in Fukushima!

Fight at E.St.Louis DHS

CEO of JPMorgan says you don’t need to know how banking works, it’s like an airliner engine, too complex to explain, just shut up and pay us.

Gordon Duff on Bradley Manning and Wikileaks

Michael Savage - Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing & Women in Combat - 1/...

JFK warns us about Secret Societies

Iron Mountain - Blueprint for Tyranny.avi

Classified Woman - The Sibel Edmonds Story - A Memoir

Kill The Messenger - Sibel Edmonds - Full film

[HD] The Universe Season 7 S07E05 - Quantum Physics / Microscopic Univer...

Rense & Emord - 2nd Amendment Perfectly Explained

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (1-23-13) Cenk Uygur & Jim Garrow

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (1-23-13)

WideAwakeNews Radio 1-23-12

Ted Nugent Ready For Armed Revolt Against Barack Obama

130124 - Gun Control Hypocrites

3MIN News January 24, 2013: NASA's "Big" Announcement

The Illusion - SSRI's

People who don't support Obama should be shot

"Frankly The Answers You've Given Today Are Unsatisfactory"

"With All Due Respect! We Have FOUR Dead Americans! What Difference Does...

Gerald Celente - InfoWars Nightly News - January 22, 2013

"Best Thing You Can Do Is Get A Firearm & Conceal Carry Permit That's Wh...

"I Don't Trust The Government!" Dwight Yoakam Explains To Piers Morgan W...

AVTM #52 Hillary Clinton & the 3D printed bacon bong

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Obama Supporters Don't Know Obama

Viral Gene Hidden in GMO Crops! Plus Neanderthal Clone, Poop Transplants...

URGENT Breaking News Unseen Explosive Footage Gene Rosen Sandy Hook 23-0...

WikiLeaks confirms relationship with Aaron Swartz

Texas Community College Shooting. Does NOT meet Mainstream Media Agenda!

~ SHOCKING ~ Orwellian Control State

"How Can Anybody Not See These Things Only Happen Where Guns Aren't Allo...

AVTM #51 Coronation crowd less than expected in Washington, DC

Mike Rivero Show- Today's Texas College Shooting and Disarmament of America

W.A.N. Radio 01-22-13 with Eric, Charlie and Freeman Burt

W.A.N. Radio 01-22-13 with Eric of the Lovely family

Beaufort County (NC) Comissioners Call For Gun Law Nullification

130119 - Unconstitutional Oligarchy

Max Keiser Asks Alex Jones When Americans Will Revolt

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tenther News 01-22-13: Nullifying Federal Gun "Laws", Obamacare and the TSA

Jeremy Rys - Hour 1 - Alien Scientist, New Discoveries & 9/11


Flight 77 The White Plane-Documentary about the terror attacks on Septem...

Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état - 1/4

Lindsey Williams - Doctors Quitting Over ObamaCare

Gerald Celente - Roy Green Show - January 20, 2013

The Death Throes of the United States

How Obama will take your guns away

Utah sheriffs warn Obama of deadly war over guns... Not a Threat, But A ...

REALIST NEWS - Another country wants its gold back from the club

World Debt Domination

Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

There is About to be Some MORE MASS SHOOTINGS using Semi Automatic Rifle...

Episode #323 - Frmr US Marine Aims At VP Biden; Pulls Trigger On Most Po...

W.A.N. Radio 01-21-13 hr2 Charlie McGrath and his guest Ed Corcoran

Dr Gerson with Ryan Dawson The Pacific Pivot: China & US set on a crash ...

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Botched Assassination Attempt Broadcast On Live Television During Politi...

Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder

Piers Morgan To Charlie Sheen Q: "Why Does Anyone Need An AR-15 Anyway?"...

The Routine Death of Investigative Reporting

Clinton Calls Algerian Hostage Taking Terrorism

Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers Sandy Hook Investigation (Edited vers...

How to commuicate Libertarian ideas with Progressive zombies

The TRUTH about 911!

"You Are Under A Psy-Op" -- Gordon Duff; Chief Editor For

John Lear & Stew Webb - Ufo's, Aliens, 9/11, Secret Space Program and More

Breaking: 1940 Census Confirms Obama Alias; Born In 1890

Assault Weapons Ban Some States say HELL NO

Deep Thoughts on Gun Control 01/18/2013

THE OATHKEEPERS OATH AND MY OATH Nevada Governor 2014 David Lory VanDerBeek

Warhammer 40k for real: The Chainsword in action

US Govt Far Worse than the Mafia: Lew Rockwell

The Road to World War 3

The REAL Purpose of the 2nd Amendment - The Ultimate Critique of Gun Con...

Recreation Or Homeless Rv's?

Jesse Ventura Pwned Piers Morgan in Gun Control Debate Live on CNN

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (1-17-13) James O'Keefe & Bob Dacy

Kentucky Sheriff Says Federal Gun Laws Won't Apply In His County WYMT 57

Alex Jones Show: Thursday (1-17-13) Full Show AUDIO ONLY commercial free

Martin Co. Sheriff in Florida Says His Department Can't Support Federal ...

How to get TSA to NOT touch your balls

REALIST NEWS - Treasury to raid retirement funds again - They WILL remov...

President Uses Children To Promote Gun Control During Speech, Ignores Th...

Sheriff of Smith County Texas Speaks Out About Gun Control

Local Citizens & Sheriffs Discuss Gun Control Plan WTVD-TV Raliegh-Dur...

More Oregon Sheriffs Say They May Defy New Gun Bans KPTV FOX 12

REALIST NEWS - Silver! Web Bot! - SLV just purchased 572 tons! Prices to...

Larry Ward States Obvious To Outraged CNN: Had Blacks Owned Guns, They W...

Cody Wilson - Pioneering 3D printing guns

TSA Viper Teams Mission Creep Into Train Stations, Is Your City Next?

#IdleNoMore, Mali War, Garden Score - New World Next Week

Sandy Hook Terrorism Cover up Case Study Video

Sen. Kaine: Nullifcation A 'Code Word,' 'Anti-Government Rhetoric'

Obama Responds To Alex Jones

Nestlé-Zugang zu Wasser sollte kein öffentliches Recht sein

Economic collapse continues in Toledo, Ohio.

Episode #319 - Police Chief Attempts Nullification; Officials Who Violat...

"The Schools In Washington Attended By The Elites Are Protected By Armed...

Price Of Assault Rifles Has Doubled In The Last Three Weeks And Gun Maga...

Obama's GUN Executive Actions! ATF Whistleblower CLEARED! NY Anti-GUN Law!

Michael Savage on Obama Signing Gun Law Restrictions w/ Children, Bob Sc...

Wyoming Sheriff Says Agency Will Ignore Any Gun Control Laws It Consider...

AVTM #48 Obama thinks liberals are retarded

Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers 1-16-13 TPH Sandy Hook Special Invest...

(IF) this was a war what kind would it be? Civil or Revolutionary?

130117 - States Strike Back

"There Is No Such Thing As An Assault Weapon No More Than There's Such A...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Peter Schiff - USPS Killing Their Own How the Feds Faked Inflation Data

Questions over Swartzs death pilling up unanswered

Sheriff Tim Mueller Linn County Oregon puts Obama Administration on NOTI...

Texas Lawmaker: We Can Make Federal Gun Laws Illegal

Hitler banned the guns, cool story bro, but false

Without Rule of Law: "Resurgence of Community" by Nutnfancy

The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed

Preppers will die in WROL


"Protection For Their Kids And Gun Free Zones For Ours!" NRA Ad

Make a Working GUN using a 3D Printer! 100% Legal. Amature GunSmith Make...

Build a 3D Printer That You Can Take Anywhere!

"We Need To Ban Those Weapons That Have The Functionality To Kill A Bunc...

LATEST NEWS N Y Senate passes landmark gun control bill 360p

Anonymous Responds To Obama gun control policy Short version

DefDist Printed AR Mag - Part II

Economic Collapse Not Only Possible But IMMINENT Peter Schiff

GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE Marc Faber - Prepare For A Massive Market Meltdown

Texas Lawmakers Under Fire for Defense of 2nd Amendment

BREAKING! 2 Dead In Kentucky College Shooting

CNN: Growing Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories

Breaking news on the Firearms Protection Act of Texas, from Rep. Steve Toth

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (1-15-13) Rosalind Peterson

W.A.N. Radio 01-15-13 hr1 with Eric of the Lovely family

AVTM #47 Obama Sticks it to America, Veterans Die

Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff - Bernanke Playing With Fire

OMG ! Kentucky Shooting & Sheriff Conspiracy ?? 2 Shot Dead in Hazard C...

#172 The one with the Obama dildo - Larry Ward, Eapen Thampy, Butler Sha...

Trivium, Conspiracies and Alt Media - James Corbett on Breaking the Set

"Yes 9/11 Was An Inside Job! It Was A Staged Event To Launch The Iraq Wa...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

84 Missing Russian Suitcase Nuke Bombs

130115 - 128 Million Takers

William Cooper - Las Vegas, NV - The Secret Government & UFOs 7-2-89 [Full]


4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint guards go nuts KICK in car door

My Message to MSM calling people who question 9/11 and Sandy Hook "Consp...


Leaked Video of Cruise Missile Hitting Pentagon on 911 DOWNLOAD & RE UPLOAD

Sandy Hook JFK Bali Madrid 77 Same? - Morris

William Cooper UFO's Are Not what you think

Project Blue beam illusions

REALIST NEWS - Germany to take back it's gold from "the club"

Reddit Co-Founder Aaron Swartz 'Suicided'?

Obama & MIC Using Drone Strikes To Create An Enemy To War Profiteer From...

tragedy to tyranny

AVTM #46 The French are bombing brown people you've never heard of

Monday, January 14, 2013

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Propaganda Piers" - (1/11/13)

Corbett: Flying Towards War? Drone Race Signals Escalationin China-Japan...

Gun Ownership Is Self-Defense - Spanking Is Not!

America, Flirting with the Dark Side of History

On libraries, surveillance, and freedom - Richard Stallman in INT's ENLI...

Anonymous Hacks MIT Website In Honor Of Aaron Swartz

Obama: Gun Owner Fear "Good For Business"

WOW : Federal Gun Control Act !?!?! Walmart says So & Says Policy Chang...

Tenther News 01-14-13: Nullify NDAA, Obamacare, the Drug War and More

Guns Across America" rally on Jan. 19, 2013 Nashville Tn State Capital

"An Incredible Soul": Lawrence Lessig on Aaron Swartz After Leading Cybe...

"An Incredible Soul": Lawrence Lessig on Aaron Swartz After Leading Cybe...

Dr Finkelstein on Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson: Netanyahu is insane

More racial colonies by Israel into Palestine

Aaron Swartz's Family Blames Prosecutors For Son's Suicide

Radiation readings in Japan?

Trends To Watch In 2013

Sandy Hook Shooting: Active Shooter Drill Confirmed, Anderson Cooper CIA...

Alex Jones Show: Sunday (1-13-13) Full Show

It's Time To Blow the Whistle On Tyranny: David VanDerBeek - Part 1

Active-Shooter Drill Confirmed by Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of Fa...

Walmart Refuses To Reorder Ammunition

The Exit Of Humanity

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (01-13-2013) Debunking The MSM Attack on ...

1 Out Of 3 Greeks Now Live Below The Poverty Line

130114 - Stealth Wear

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Secrets of World War Z Leaked!

JFK Assassination - 50 Reasons For 50 Years - Episode 05


MASSACRE - The Horrific Truth About What Really Happened in Waco Texas

50 Reasons For 50 Years - Introduction

Oklahoma City, What Really Happened?

Mae Brussell: Mind Control (11-22-1976)

Spains health sector hit by fresh protests against privatization

US farmers take to streets against Monsanto

Kentucky Sheriff to Obama : " NO " Gun control in " MY " County !! Ken...

REALIST NEWS - Obama BUSTED - Healthcare Costs - Listen to this liar in ...

Idaho ~ Patriotic Group to Build Armed " Defensible " Neighborhood Fortr...

Sandy Hook Occult Sacrifice vs. 'Fakery' Disinfo

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Peter Paul & Mary - These times they are a-changing

Michael Savage - Flu Shot is Useless and Dangerous Government Hoax w/ CD...

WTF ! EPA to Outlaw Many Wood Burning Stoves ! Living OFF Grid will soo...

What If 9-11 Was NOT An Inside Job

Rense & Celente - Lead By Example

Ben Shapiro backs Up Alex on Piers

Keiser Report: Lunatics & Lubricants (E392)

Innocents Betrayed

Gerald Celente - The Gary Null Show - January 9, 2013

Peter Schiff Responds to Paul Krugman on Inflation, CPI 01-11-13 Yahoo D...

CNBC Global Recession Is Coming - Marc Faber

Nigel Farage Mass Anger Could Trigger Euro's Greek Spring

Marc Faber - 2013 European Crisis

Gun Control in Australia - Watch and Weep

US Government Hostage to Israel? | Interview with Mark Bruzonsky

MK-Ultra, CIA Mind Control & Brain Washing to Make Assassins

Cooper Covers Conspiracy Theory That Sandy Hook School Shooting Was A Fa...

Sandy Hook Questions, Ms. Soto's class

Has Adam Lanza Even Been Alive The Last 3 Years?

3MIN News January 12, 2013: NEW ISLAND & Odd Royal Report

We Dont Have An Original Thought Amongst Us - Morris


Obama in Double Trouble !! 2 Cases coming to Court Against this Individ...

Infowars Nightly News: Friday (1-11-13) Richard Cottrell

AVTM #45 Obama, sorry we fucked up Afghanistan ... sort of

Gladio: The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis


Jean Henry Put On Paid Leave After Showing Her Husband Adam Lanza's Dead...

130112 - Kabuki Debt Dance

Friday, January 11, 2013

Strange Universe with Sean David Morton Jan 10 2013

USA Will Die - Economic Collapse - Jim Rogers

Portland Police Recommend That You Call 911 If You See An Armed Person O...

Rick Santelli on IL SB3144: "They Want An Audit Trail To Any Precious Me...

Breakng News MUST WATCH Raw Helicopter Footage Before The Fake Sandy Ho...

Matt Taibbi & William Black on Bailout Secrets & How New Foreclosure Dea...

"Failure of Epic Proportions": Treasury Nominee Jack Lew's Pro-Bank, Aus...

The End of the United States As We Know It

Sandy Hook Disappearing Video

'Anonymous attorney' bashes Obama's war on free speech

Gun Activist: If Blacks Had Guns, They Wouldn't Have Been Slaves


Is This a Base on the Moon?

The Great 9/11 Debate with Webster Tarpley

Press Conference on Nullification of Obamacare in South Carolina

WOW ! Huge UFOs Shooting Beams by The Sun ! Ufo's by the Sun ~ January...

Wyoming to Defend 2nd Amendment ~ Take this Bill to Your Senator ~ Be th...

AVTM #44 The planet is in revolt!

Should We Arm The Children? Obama Does!

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (1-10-13) Francis Boyle & James Tracy

Debt Ceiling 2013, Gun Control Debate, Jack Lew the New Treasury Secreta...

130111 - Registration Then Confiscation

"Piers, You Demonize People Who Don't Agree With You By Standing On The ...

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Alex Jones Show: Thursday (1-10-13) Gerald Celente & Doug Hagmann

Marc Faber's 1st Appearance on CNBC of 2013: Economic Outlook for 2013

England Warns America: Don't let them take your guns

Ben Swann: Does President Obama have authority to bypass Congress on deb...

Only YOU Can Give Up Your Rights

Precious Metals Purchasing Act of Illinois

CNN: Does This President Have The Power To Overturn The Second Amendment?

First 2 Obama "Death Squad" Victims ! Biggest Pro Gun Man on Youtube A...

Spotting The Disinfo - Morris

AVTM #43 We're still talking about guns!?!


McChrystal: 'Serious Action' On Guns Needed

Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower

S.C. State Sen. Lee Bright Speaks About ObamaCare Nullification 1-8-13 ...

Obama Linked to Benghazi Attack

"To Head CIA Obama Nominates The Ringmaster of The Festival of Torture: ...

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (1-9-13) Ron Paul & Larry Pratt

Gun Ban Ahead of Economic Collapse

Growing Number Of Americans Insist Federal Law Does NOT Apply To Them

CNN: Iran Trying To Hack YOUR Bank Account!

Highest 1 Day Sales of Silver Eagles

"Someone Who Buys A Thousand Rounds Of Ammunition Should Be Of Interest ...

Infowars Nightly News: Wednesday (1-9-13)

They're Back ~ Loud BOOMS Reported Across the Country ~ Coast to Coast

Gun-Lover Alex Jones Gives It To Piers Morgan With Both Barrels - CONAN ...

Ask the Health Ranger episode 001 - coming collapse, Alex Jones, Health ...

"You Just Propagated Another Lie! It's Outrageous What You Do!" Piers Mo...

Strange Universe with Sean David Morton

130110 - Vaccines Are A Hoax

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

REALIST NEWS - Health Insurance Companies MASSIVELY Raising Rates

Sandy Hook - The Conspirator's Plot - Anonymous

Piers Morgan and Guests Call for Shooting Alex Jones

Ben Swann Destroys Piers Morgan’s Anti-Gun Argument News, Weather

Sandy Hook - The Hoaxers Always Win - Morris

"Threre Is Not One Person In The United States Of America That Would Say...

4MIN News January 9, 2013: NASA says SUN drives Climate

130109 - Lies From The Elite

Health Insurance Premiums Sky Rocket Ahead Of Obamacare Law Kicking In

US Defense Contractor Settles Lawsuit For Torturing Detainees At Abu Ghr...

Ted Nugent and Peter Schiff Talk Gun Control

Gerald Celente - Tommy Schnurmacher Show - January 8, 2013

100% foolproof solution to stop TSA from stealing your valuables out of ...

CNN: Gun Law Hidden In Obama Healthcare Bill

Seattle Mayor Announces Gun Buyback Program "Get An Amazon Gift Card!"

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (1-8-13) Piers Morgan