Monday, June 30, 2014

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Dispersed Across US Cities

Arizona cop's violent attack black professor who got charged with assault

RWW News: Wayne Allyn Root Campaigns For Chris McDaniel, Calls Obama "Ma...

ALERT! Gen. Petraeus Boldly Claims "After America Comes North America"!

ISIS : the end of sykes - picot نهاية سايكس بيكو

MSNBC: Blackwater Threatened To Kill State Dept. Investigators

Why is Facebook Manipulating Your Emotions?

Accelerated Crash Course (ACC) 2014

Chris Martenson-People Will Be Wiped Out In Coming Crash

Proof Obama Admin Paid Sandy Hook Hoax Participants $27+ Million

Global Meltdown Has Begun

New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airp...

Open Your Mind (OYM) - Jim Marrs/Brian Gerrish - 29th June 2014

Jim Fetzer: Al Whitney / Frankly Speaking

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mexican Military Chopper Crosses Into Arizona, Shoots At Border Agents!

Interaction with Salt Lake City police after officer shot dog

Gerald Celente - Infowars Radio - June 26, 2014

MM17 - Germans Dump Verizon

In Memory of Rachel Corrie

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 85: Dr. Jim Willie And Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


These 5 Censored Books Tell a History the Establishment Wants Hidden

California Passes Historic Measure To Change The Constitution

ISIS Reaches The Suburbs of Baghdad!

Iraq Religious War, Ukraine Crisis & Sanctions, GDP Plunges, IRS Targeti...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Russell Brand: 'Fanatical, terrorist, propagandist' Fox News is 'more da...

GDP Collapse May Signal Global Economic Reset Is Near

Kokesh Convicted - Breaking News!

REALIST NEWS - Tiny Web Bot Update- Germany's Gold

JIM ROGERS on the U.S. DOLLAR COLLAPSE - The Masses Are Moving Away From...

Thurs 06/26/2014 Dynamic Duo Weekly News

SWAT TEAMED: Over 100 American families raided by SWAT EVERY DAY!

"If America Doesn't ABOLISH the FED, the FED will ABOLISH America" | G. ...

Meet 'Nipsters': Newest recruits of extreme right in Germany

ISIS The Start of World War III David Icke

The Mises View: "The Fed Distorts Everything" | Jeff Deist

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 84 Tosh Plumlee

The Next False Flag Event Will Be 'Far Deadlier' Than 9/11 - Episode 400

Google Helping Track US Gun Purchases!

Jeff Rense & Preston James - Alien Ultimatum

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen: We got him!! (better quality)

The Hanging of Saddam Hussein

Judge Who Sentenced Saddam Executed by ISIS

REALIST NEWS - Germany Throws In the Towel - Keep Our Gold

U.S. Govt to PLUNDER Citizens during COLLAPSE | BrotherJohnF

L.A. Traffic Court Tells defendants "Traffic Trials Not Allowed"

Fallujah:" The Hidden Massacre" Documentary-Iraq War

fear not the path of truth

Fear Not The Path of Truth - MUST SEE THIS

Exclusive: Massive End The Fed Organizer in Germany Gets Car Fire Bombed

4409 -- Cop Shot in FACE ambushing Resident

Police Brutality | Long Beach, CA

Zionists Tragically Win Every War - Morris

Agenda 21! Detroit Families Beg UN for Help After City Cuts Off Water!

ISIS Threatens Nuke Attack On Israel!

Woman Says She Saw DRONE Spying On Her Inside Her 26th Floor Condo in Se...

Hotels Using Facial Recognition to ID People As Soon as They Walk in the...

Monday, June 23, 2014

US Marine is disgusted by uniform thanks to AVTM

Illusion Exposed! Israel Helps ISIS With Airstrikes Against Syrian Gover...

MM 12 - The Cost of Freedom

White House Releases SECRET MEMO That Justifies Killing Americans With N...

CNN Anchors Laugh at Clinton's Latest Wealth Comments

Can you record the police? | CLASSIC

Sen. Feinstein: "Iraq a threat to U.S."

'This Week': Dick Cheney

Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - Dr. Jim Garrow

The Calm Before the Storm | Alasdair Macleod

U.N Gun Grab, Growing Police State, And FBI Raids On American Preppers

Pressuring Israel, Presbyterian Church Divests From Firms Tied to Occupa...

Pres. Obama to Joint Terrorism Task Force Staff (October 20, 2009)

So The FBI is at Your Door. .

Inside the Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force

Portland Says Joint Terrorism Task Force NOT Welcome

Peter Dale Scott 2010 "Continuity of Government"

GUN GRAB ALERT! - New York DISARMAMENT OFFICER Position Posted On United...

Sunday, June 22, 2014


SAFE Act update 4/21/14- State Police & DHS classify prepping as "suspic...

Paid Snitches! NY DHS Will Pay $500 To Rat Out Citizens Buying Legal Goods!

Stasi 2.0? US Fed workers to spy & snitch on each other

The Drop Off - If You See Something, Say Something PSA - 30 second

UW-Madison Campus Voices: Bombing of Sterling Hall

New Tips Surface In UW Madison Sterling Hall Bombing

BREAKING! Israeli Soldier Killed In Golan Heights! Israel Respond By Att...

4 More Iraqi Towns Fall to Advancing ISIS Militants!


Obama's 300 Will Launch Attack On Assad In Syria!

Goebbels, The Master of Lies (RT Documentary)

Time To Impeach The President? John B. Wells Joins Host Brian Engelman O...

Cynthia McKinney on 911 Zionist Controlled Media Congress & Syria - Truth!

Michelle Obama "I Didn't Know How to Feed My Children Properly" Before B...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967

Gerald Celente - Windrock Wealth - June 19, 2014

New Proof Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Was Entrapped By FBI [Redacted Tonight]

New Obama Policy, Not Law, Orders Border Agents to Not Deport Illegal Al...

Paralyzed Flu Shot Victim Awarded $11 Million in Damages

Hyperinflation Alert! Prices Rise to RECORD HIGHS!

The U.S. Dollar Collapse Is Under Way, The Dollar Is Decoupling from Oil, Severe Inflation Ahead (Jim Rickards)


Dick Cheney Should Be Rotting In A Prison Cell At The Hague Not Writing ...

CrISIS Crescendo: Iraq on verge of total collapse

Bush laughs about WMD.mpg

Wikileaks Reveals Saddam And Bush Negotiated Before Kuwait Invasion

‪Kuwaiti baby incubator lies

FBI #1 Mission No Longer Law Enforcement!!!


Televised Football Deadens Our Brains - Morris

The Ethnic Cleansing of Germans Post WWII

Central Bankers/US Government Strategic Plan For The Middle East - Episo...

ICE Caught Shipping 'Planeloads of Illegal Immigrants' to Boston Area!

Iran Exposes ISIS! Top Commander Says It's Supported by US, Israel and KSA!

Iraq Civil War Coming, Ukraine Fighting Gets Worse, IRS Lost Emails Targ...

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Iraq's Break Up is the Real "Mission Accomplished" - #NewWorldNextWeek

Outrage! Texas Man Told His U.S. Flag Is A 'Threat to Muslim Community'!

John Pilger on Julian Assange's 2 Years Imprisonment


Jim Fetzer: Jim Fetzer / Peter Janney

Thurs 06/19/2014 Dynamic Duo Weekly News

Are You A Dumbass Or MAD AS HELL!

VT Radio (6-18-14) Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer, Preston James, John Stokes, Gl...

MM 3 - Evacuate Americans From Iraq

Establishment is Afraid of End The Fed Movement in Germany

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CHAOS Breaking Loose: Illegal Alien Anarchy, N.A. Union, Amero & Economi...

Baroness Rothschild: Israel must wean itself off 'grant dependency'

Global Austerity and the US War Agenda

His Victim Deserved Justice But He Had Billions So You Know How This Ends

Four Cops Forcibly Strip And Pepper Spray Woman

How the Military Severed Brains to 'Cure' PTSD | Brainwash Update

Zuckerberg Calls Immigration Major 'Civil Rights Issue'

Wannabe Professional Gamer SWATTED By Person Saying He'd Killed His Dad ...

Obama Says His Biggest Frustration Is Not Being Able To Pass New Federal...


A Real Anarchistic Utopia Community with Drugs

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why Are Americans So Apathetic? (And what can be done about it?) - BFP R...

As The Dollar Collapses Bankers Are Taking Measures To Protect Themselve...

Disturbing Facts Revealed About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

Double X-Flare Erupts Off Sun! 108 Fireballs Reported, Ongoing Watch!

Oregon High School Shooting Leaves Suspect, 1 Student Dead!

Jim Fetzer: Tom and Tommy / Dennis Cimino

People Self Managing Themselves without the State in Spain

Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance


Channel Update 6/10/14

Sold to China: US electric car company purchased by Chinese billionaire

NEW Slender Man Stabbing (Daughter on Mom) 2014

Special Report: How Bilderberg Will Use Technology to Rule by 2050

Friday, June 6, 2014


Get Ready! The Fed's Next Monetary Move Is Upon Us. By Gregory Mannarino

U.S. WEST COAST RADIATION - Radiation Levels Above Safe Levels Due To Fu...

Mark of the Beast! Hidden RFID Chip Tracking, Exposed In Obamacare!

VA Hotline Updated

It's Time To End The Shadow Govt

Advice for those considering joining the military

Bergdahl: What They Aren't Telling You!

New Leak Shows FBI Provided Anonymous with Targets!

.-01% Interest Rates for EU Depositors, 70% Say Housing Crisis Not Over,...

140606 - What's Inside that Smartphone?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

BOOM! Michael Hastings Was Murdered for Almost Exposing Bowe Bergdahl!

Plant Timelapse CO2 Carbon Dioxide Concentration Global Warming Experiment


"ADMIT DEFEAT & Prepare for COLLAPSE" | Jim Willie (Ep. 3)

SHOCK: Obama Seizing Americans Bank Accounts!

Police Militarization meets Hacker Culture: Swatting

Thurs 06/05/2014 Dynamic Duo Weekly News

[395] EXCLUSIVE: Two Top NSA Veterans Expose Shocking History of Illegal...

Revealed: Monsanto Taking A Dump In The Global Food Supply

Teen Confronts @NancyPelosi on #NSA

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 72 Daniel Estulin

VT Radio (6-4-14) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Fetzer "Gordon Unloads"

Why Barcelona Was Rioting

Zen Gardner-Conscious Global Awakening Threaten the Powerful Few? FarOut...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Interview With a Bilderberger! - Julia Tourianski on The Corbett Report

GameOver Zeus! New Computer Virus with 'CryptoLocker Malware' Threat!

Jim Fetzer: Jim Fetzer / Paul Preston

Royal Row: Spaniards rally for referendum on heels of King abdication

'Monarchy? No, Thanks': Thousands demand referendum after Spanish King's...

The Truthseeker: US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)

Flu-Vaccine Heavy Metals Test, Finds Mercury Level 25,000 Times Higher T...

UFOs Swarm Ukraine Battlefield ~ Zoomed

Israel's Apologists: Jon Faine is at it Again

Ryan Dawson: Thomas Mountain gives the backdrop on the looting of Nigeria, how the military, IMF and Western vultures have been even more destructive than Boko Haram

Monday, June 2, 2014

The End of Oppression - Part 1: The Problem

Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Snowden Is No Hero

Ray Kurzweil: Get ready for hybrid thinking

Ryan Dawson: Japan, US struggle to contain China at any cost (Ryan Dawson RT)

Ryan Dawson: David Cole talks about Michael Shemers backstabbing cominating on Shermer trying to ban Coles new book Republican Party Animal

Talking to the Elite Elusive Bilderberg Creatures

Терористи штурмують Луганський прикордонний загін

Dr. Dave Janda: The Reality of Obamacare - the Depopulation Agenda

Thurs 05/29/2014 Dynamic Duo Weekly News

Catherine Austin Fitts-China the Big Concern, Not U.S. or Dollar

Canada Defeats Monsanto Seed Imperialism!

Charlie Veitch - Life Death Consciousness Freedom - TALK

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio - Piers Corbyn - 1st June 2014

Jim Fetzer: David Cole a/k/a David Stein

"We've Lost Our Govt" - Banking CABAL in Charge | Jim Willie