Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hamas is isolated but still winning the war :Gilad Atzmon

MH17 FULLY EXPOSED!! You Won't Believe The SHOCKING TRUTH About the Ukra...

Great David Duke Rant, 2014 08 25, Insane McCain

Back to School Vaccinations: Know the Risks and Failures

#RubbleBucketChallenge: Palestinians' dry response to #icebucket


Obama Approves Military Surveillance Flights Over Syria

ISIS: Manufactured Terrorism

Proof that Chemtrails Are Real

Fed's Fischer: Bail-Ins Coming For Your Cash

Here We Go Again Into Iraq

Proof of Police State Rising

#IceBucketChallenge Truth

Monday, August 25, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Video Released of 'Michael Brown' Store Robbery! Ferguson Was A Full Sca...

'Michael Brown' Store Robbery! RAW Video Footage!

WorldView-3: Ready for Launch

Michael Brown Robbed Convenience Store Just Before Ferguson Shooting, Sa...

Kiev Claims It Attacked, Partly Destroyed Russian Armoured Convoy Crossi...

Ferguson Police Chief Says Officer 'Darren Wilson' Shot Michael Brown!

Magician Tries To Sell Weed To Cops!!

USA: "You are the ones being violent" New Black Panthers tell Ferguson's...

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 113 Nuclear Physics

Cops or Soldiers? Pentagon, DHS Helped Arm Police in Ferguson with Equip...

America's Going to Hell in a Handbasket

PROOF! Ebola Expert Killed On MH17, Kenema Bioweapons Lab Created 'New E...

Outrage! Feds Buy 'Border Fence'...for Ukraine!

Judaism Is Now A Self Perpetuating Hoax - Morris - Time To Call It Out

Mystery Withdrawals Made From Bank Accounts of MH370 Passengers!

DHS Insider Says Feds Anticipate Massive Civil Unrest

MonsterMind! The NSA Program That Made Edward Snowden Go Public! Revealed!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Michael Savage on Ebola Virus Panic - August 4, 2014

Obama's FBI Hiring A "SHILL" Service!

What Happened to the WTC Gold on 9/11?

Israel relies on NSA intel for assaults on Palestinians – Snowden docs

PLO's Hanan Ashrawi: 'Deliberate Massacre' in Gaza

MIT researchers can listen to your conversation by watching your potato chip bag

U S Border Patrol, Texas

Why Are Corrections Officers Guarding This Abandoned Prison?

UN: Deadliest Ebola Outbreak On Record Could Become Pandemic!

The Reptilian Manipulation of Humanity - The FULL STORY (1/8) - David Icke

Shoplifting flash mobs storm convenience stores

ISIS Praises John McCain for Their Success In Iraq!

Ebola Terror at Gatwick Airport! Women Coming From Sierra Leone Collapse...

BRICS...Breaking The Jewish Money Power

Black Political Elite Continue To Support Israel's Assault on Gaza

Ebola Spreads to Philippines, Morocco and Brazil!

Leaked CBP Report Shows Almost Every Nation On Earth Is 'Exploiting' Ope...

Truth About Consciousness and Spirituality: David Icke

Words by Stefan Molyneux


Saturday, August 2, 2014

TalkingStickTV - Alison Weir - The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Us...

Guests: Gerald Celente, Mike Swanson - August 2, 2014

The Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2014 08 01

Imperial Decay *

Pandemic by Design ~ The Ebola Bio-Weapon!

Aviation Expert's Shocking Analysis of MH17 Crash! Cockpit Riddled by '3...

Ebola in town- Shadow & Kuzzy Of 2Kings

MidPoint | Dick Morris to discuss the latest political news

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 105 Sandy Hook Hoax

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 103 Clinton Inc & Dr Marys Monkee

Lionel Video: The Dread Conspiracy Theory

Keith Olbermann Is Clueless

Inhalation Ebola: Governments Ready For World War Ebola

U.S. Government Owns EBOLA 'Patent'! Smoking Gun!

Going Underground: John Pilger talks Gaza, Ukraine & Western media bias

9 11 Truth On C SPAN

Friday, August 1, 2014

Obama Admits: We Torture People!!! SHOCKING Revelation

Germany is Now Holding Command Positions IN the US Army in Europe...YES,...

Ebola: Medical Martial Law?

Executive Order! Obama's Revised List of 'Quarantinable' Communicable Di...

Photography is suspicious

The West's Reckless Rush Towards War with Russia - News Update

Veritas Radio - Cathy O'Brien | The Enslavement & Rescue of a CIA/MK-Ult...

Fluoride Is Poison - Hard Hitting Australian Report

Fluoride Is Toxic Waste - Amazing Mainstream Media Report

Gaza War, US and EU Sanctions Against Russia, Global Ebola Outbreak and ...

Insane Israeli sniper Brags on Instagram I killed 13 Palestinian kids today

EU Raises the Stakes: New sanctions target Russia's biggest banks


SR 309 - U.S. Market Crash