Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vitaly Klitschko fails to calm crowd, sprayed with fire extinguisher

The Fall of Greece. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

Ways to Restore Medical Liberty

New Greek PM voices 'discontent' with EU stmt blaming Russia for Mariupo...

How to Change Your Life for Good - The Eyeopener

"We'll Kill the Dollar!"

Alex Grey & Allyson Grey: Consciousness and Cannabis

Lionel: You Have Nothing to Fear From the Truth

Department of Justice system tracking citizens' movements on the road

Facebook to decide what’s news or not

Victoria Nuland, The Jewish Governor of Ukraine

Constant lying leaves RT unable to compete with “dynamic, truthful” US m...

Truth vs. NEW$, Inc.with Jim Fetzer, on Chris Kyle, John Boehner, Dollar...

Lord Christopher Monckton-Climate Change is Really a Basis for Elite Con...

Radio 3Fourteen - Sofia Smallstorm - Humanity 2.0

Israel Kicks Syria - Soros Finances Syriza - Morris

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Farage: Should British taxpayers be paying for child benefit in Warsaw, ...

#IAmNotCharlie and Neither Are You If You've Ever Read #CharlieHebdo

The 'Holocaust Denial' Debate

Dr. Paul Connett to Dallas City Council: Fluoride Is Bad for Babies

Solutions: Guerrilla Gardening

REALIST NEWS - Paris Attacks STINKS Of False Flag W Patsies

"Real Politik" with Dr. James Tracy - Interview 32: Peter Klein 01-11-2014

The Real Deal ep 4 mp4

BBC Hoax Video - Paris Hysteria Continues - Malcolm X - Morris

Webster Tarpley on the Charlie Hebdo killings in their geopolitical context

[509] Chris Hedges on Roots of Terrorism, Free Speech Hypocrisy & Transl...

Startup “Local Motors” 3D prints car at Detroit Auto Show

Did Mossad Do Charlie Hebdo?

FALSE FLAG 101: From Gladio To Hebdo -- A SGT Report micro-doc

The Charlie Hebdo Attacks Exposed #CharlieHebdo

Monday, January 12, 2015

Jim Fetzer: Jim Lanthier / Phil Nelson

Venezuela Might Be the First To Collapse With Lower Oil Prices - Weekly ...

U.S. Military Social Media Accounts Hacked by ISIS - Another False Flag...


Weird Footage Prompts Claims of Charlie Hebdo Conspiracy

Farage: A Fifth Column is living in our countries

"Circus of Hypocrisy": Jeremy Scahill on How World Leaders at Paris Marc...

Charlie Hebdo Shootings - Censored Video

The Illuminati ’Synagogue of Satan’ - Learn About It!

NSA Intercepts Reveal Paris Event Just the Start of Attacks In Europe

Hangovers - Hysteria - Psy-Op - Everyone Has To Go Along - Morris - We'r...

Jim Fetzer: Dennis Cimino / William Shanley & James Tracy

Thursday, January 8, 2015

WTF! New York Family Left Homeless After Police Rip Down Walls to Serve ...

Over 95% Chance Michelle Obama & Jennifer Aniston Born Men: Satanic-Illu...

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 204 The Sandy Hook Farce

Thurs 01/08/2015 False Flag Weekly News

David Duke interviewed on CNN

Oklahoma to ban being #Anonymous in public

The Coverup of Zionist Organized Crime!

Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary film...

France False Flag Shooting -- Attackers SPLICED IN + COPS cut out + Man ...

Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack in Paris, France | True News

The Real Deal Ep # 2 On the Road & The JFK Horseman

World's First 3D-Printed Gun Machine to be Unveiled in Texas Next Week!