Sunday, January 26, 2014

Beware of new NSA operation: American Spring

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like a true Kool aide drinker. You just dont get what America is all about. Americans have evry right to demonstrate, it wont be a Patriot to fire the first shot if there is one. The cia/ nsa is more likely to put plants in there to take the first shot for them. Some of us belive in a concept aperantly you arent familiar with. Its on the New Hampshire license plate "Live free or die". The mena nd women who died for YOU and your rights did not do so to build tyranical goverment. History knows this is a huge mistake. Our independence from England was due to almost exactly the same reasons as what is happening right now. Who cares about the american dream when it can be ripped out from under any americans feet like a rug at any whim of a gov official on suspicion alone. This goes against universal laws of nature and creation. You might wanna stay away from comments on censorship. The mainstream (left media) is COMPLETELY CORRUPT and hand in hand with the agenda to destroy the free America our constitution created. Why dont you personally go punch some retired veterans in the face (not an actual request, used figuratively) . some poor old guy in a wheel chair instead of spewing the evil you do. Enjoy your front door being kicked in by the gustapo or join the Nazi's (sure seems you already have). Who are you anyway? Ever served your country? Ever rode a harley on a cancer benifit with a veteran wioth no use of his legs to help folks in need? Ever asked a patriot (you mam are not) about how they feel about their benifits cut, Shit VA help. They gave you the freedom to speak your peice and you sit in the cab of a truck WHINING about the road being too rough? Lady YOU are the problem. Civil unrest? domestic terrorism? THE GOV DOES THAT, they dont want anybody else cutting into their pie. Seriously, might wanna stick with mainstream media with your uneducated inexpirienced rant. They love that stuff. Independent media is gonna blast you (figuratively speaking) as this is what you set yourself up for. Once again OAS censers their website? Perfectly FAIR, the mainstream doesent?O'nazi is a ramopant liar and they WHOLE country knows this. The ones that wont admit it are just lying to themselves and others (drunk on Kool aide, brainwashed for entitilements. I will pray for you as you clearly need all the moral and ethical help you can get. God Bless this country and you too. BTW my respone to this video has a ton of spelling and grammar errors. This video and its content is not worth anymore of my time to correct.
    God Bless this country and you too.
